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All about 'Earth Mother Flower Child'

I have always been a lover of all things natural, beginning as a small child.


I first studied aromatherapy as an apprentice florist more than 20 years ago (where has the time gone?!) I was fascinated with how essential oils were made, and wanted to improve my knowledge about the healing properties of the flowers and plants I was working with. I became an avid user of essential oils, and also used my knowledge about flowers and plants to create 'healing' floral arrangements. I would create little hand posies with a mix of herbs and flowers that had different healing benefits for clients. 

The education I have covering floristry, aromatherapy & herbalism has blossomed, quite literally, into a deep love for, connection to, and understanding of the power of plants, and that shows through in the products I now make.


Many of the plants used in my products are grown organically in my home garden. My two boys, who have also embraced my love of gardening, flowers and plants, help me in the garden caring for and harvesting the plants. It's a really wonderful thing to share with them.


I infuse my own oils, with my homegrown plants and if I don't happen to have a particular plant or flower in my garden, I will only use Certified Organic herb suppliers in it's place.


My method of oil infusion, and for tinctures, follows the Wise Woman Tradition, or Wise Woman Way. This is the oldest known healing tradition on our planet. For oil infusions this means leaving the mix to sit for anywhere from 6 weeks when using fresh plant matter, to 12 weeks minimum when using dried plant matter. There's no speeding up the process by using sunlight, crock pots or double boilers. Please note that this is simply my personal choice of method and not the only effective method. I'll cover more about the Wise Woman Tradition in another blog post.


​I am committed to creating products of integrity and purity. It is my mission to provide you with pure products that you can trust, are affordable and a joy to use

Earth Mother Flower Child is born from a mother's love and I am honoured to share the fruits of that love with you.

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